Last Man on Earth; Blow the World or Spare It
One reason why I wont destroy the earth with a nuclear weapon is the fact that nature within itself has some value. Deep ecology states that nature has a value independent of its connection to human beings. This means that even without considering the importance of nature to human beings there will always be some value which it has. Deep ecology is a branch of ecological philosophy that considers human kind as an important part of the environment. It also places greater value on non human species, ecosystems and processes in nature than the established environmental and green movements. This shows that nature has some value on its own even before looking at the benefits which human beings derive from it.
Another reason for not wanting to have the earth destroyed is because as human beings we ought to respect nature. Nature has its own value that deserves to be respected and be recognized from the moral agents. Moral agents refers to human beings who have the capacity to make a decision on what is right and what is wrong. Human beings have a direct duty to nature which means that we should not just exploit it but also practise some conservation and sustainable use of the resources that are derived from nature. It is important that we preserve nature. At some situations or circumstances, the well being of animals and nature should be given priority over human values.
It also won't be necessary for the earth to be destroyed just because there would be no human beings since nature also has its own rights. The core principle of deep ecology is given in Arnie Naess's doctrine of biospheric egalitarianism which claims that, like humanity, the living environment as a whole has the same right to live and flourish. Naess states that "the right of all forms of life to live is a universal right which cannot be quantified. No single species of living being has more of this particular right to live and unfold than any other species". Therefore, we need to respect nature just like we respect fellow human beings. With this understanding, I would opt to let nature continue with its own survival rather than have it completely destroyed.
One other reason for choosing to spare the earth from destruction is the fact that there is a connection between human beings and nature. Man is considered to be part of nature. Deep ecology is concerned with the fundamental philosophical questions about the impacts of human life as one part of the ecosphere, rather than with a narrow view of ecology as a branch of biological science, and aims to avoid merely utilitarian environmentalism, which it argues is concerned with resource management of the environment for human purposes. Deep ecology can be used to describe deep ecological awareness. It does not separate humans from the natural environment. This connection between human beings and nature helps one to realize the importance of nature within itself and to humans as well. As a result of this, even with the absence of human beings, one will be albe to spare nature from destruction knowing very well the value that it will continue to have.
Deep ecology sees the world not as a collection of isolated objects but as a network of phenomena that are fundamentally interconnected and interdependent. It gives insight into the interrelatedness of all systems of life on earth. Deep ecology recognizes the intrinsic value of all living beings and views human beings as just one particular strand in the web of life. According to Arnie Naess, there is need for human self-realization. Instead of identitying with our egos or our immediate families, we should learn to identify with trees, animals and plants. It would make our behavior more consistent with what science tells us is necessary for the well being of life on earth. We just wouldn'to certain things that damage the planet, just like we wouldn't do something that would injure our body.
Drengson, Allan. 1995. The Deep Ecology Movement
Passmore, J. 1974. Man's Responsibility for Nature. London: Duckworth.

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