Protect Earth, Restore Land, Engage People - WDCD 2016

80% of Kenya's landmass is covered by Arid and Semi Arid lands (ASALs) which is about 467,200 square kilometers. These are the areas where land degradation is quite evident due to the hot and dry weather coupled with low and unreliable rainfall. UNEP reports show that approximately 30% of Kenya is affected by land degradation.
Some of the contributing factors to this include improper farming methods, loss of soil productivity, livestock overstocking, high population growth and increasing demand for fuelwood, charcoal and timber.
To curb this problem there is need for sustainable land management practices which include environmental conservation as well as promoting sustainable livelihoods. To achieve this it is important to develop ways of livelihood diversification, promoting knowledge based land use management and supporting policies and regulations relevant to sustainable land management.
The national celebrations for this year's World Day to Combat Desertification will be held at Pap Sori Grounds, Karungu township in Migori County. This year's theme is "Inclusive cooperation for achieving land degradation neutrality" and the slogan is “Protect Earth. Restore Land. Engage People”.
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