Raise your Voice not the Sea Level

Climate change has been known to lead to global warming which results in rise of sea levels due to the melting of glaciers. A major cause of climate change is the release of carbon into the atmosphere. We all have a role to play in this. We breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Even a child born at this minute is said to be a contributor to carbon emissions into the atmosphere.
Plants utilise carbon dioxide in the process of photosynthesis and that is why it is very important to plant more trees and increase vegetation cover as a way of combating climate change. Each one of us can take up the initiative and we all can make a difference from that for example one can decide to plant a tree on his/her birthday, walking or cycling to work rather than taking motor vehicle, utilizing renewable sources of energy such ass solar and wind power among other initiatives.
We don’t have to wait for others so that we can do these things in a group, this can be a self-driven initiative.
There have been calls for action to reduce the sea level rise and that is why this year’s theme for the world environment day was ‘Raise your Voice not the Sea Level. The UN declared 2014 as the year of the small islands development states (SIDS) and there have been concerns that these islands could one day get submerged due to the rise of sea level. Already there are signs of the shoreline getting eroded more and more I most coastal areas. Some people have resorted to building artificial barriers to stop the water invasion,
Let’s all raise our voices so as to achieve a reversal of this trend.


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