Addressing Climate Change in Kenya

There is need to conserve and protect our natural resources so as to be able to tackle issues of climate change and global warming. The government through the ministry of environment is working towards attaining the ten per cent tree cover as recommended by the international standards which will act as carbon sinks.
I  December 2013, President Uhuru Kenyatta launched a programme dubbed ‘greening schools campaign’ through the ministry of education which aims at promoting tree planting in schools and among the young generation.
The Kenya forest service has also been active with various tree planting initiatives which aim at meeting this target. Trees are an integral part in the fight against climate change due to their role as carbon sinks by absorbing greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere hence combating global warming.
Working with NEMA, the ministry has formulated key policy documents and plans which will tackle issues related to climate change. These will track emission of greenhouse gasses from various sectors. For example, we have the National Climate Change Response Strategy of 2010 which outlines responses and proposed interventions to climate change. The National Climate Change Action Plan (2013-2017) was developed to implement this strategy and ensure it is effected. This has helped Kenya identify and prioritize climate change adaptation and mitigation actions throughout this period.
Adaptation related activities are also set to receive a major boost once resources from the adaptation fund are made available to NEMA which is the National Implementing Entity as recognised by the Adaptation Fund Board. In 2014, Kenya also created a national taskforce to oversee the development of the National Climate Change Policy and Bill to guide the country on how to respond to climate change across all sectors.
We can all be change agents by participating in environmental management through complying with the set out standards, regulations and guidelines.


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