Justice for Wildlife

Let's come out and call for justice for wildlife this Saturday the 7th of October 2017, as we march from the National Museums of Kenya to the Kenya Wildlife Services headquaters in Nairobi from 8am to 3pm in solidarity with the Global March for Elephants, Rhinos and Lions movement.
The march's objective will be to speak out against illegal practices such as poaching and also highlighting conservation issues which include human-wildlife conflicts, urbanisation and climate change among others. These are among threats that have made these animals to face the threat of being endangered that could lead them to extinction. The call for an end to all forms of trade in wildlife trophies such as elephant ivory, rhino horn and lion teeth and bones will also be reiterated by the participants. On the frontline of this event will be Wildlife Direct.

Lets make our voice be heard by joining this great cause. Conversation is going on on social media is using #Justice4Wildlife and #GMFER2017 on twitter and facebook and you can add your opinion and views on the same using these platforms. Remember, our wildlife are worth more when alive.


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